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Undergraduate Admission Fall 2024 is going on The B.Arch Program offered by Deaprtment of Architcture, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology(AUST) has granted non conditional accreditation status for five years by Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB). Academic Calendar - Spring 2024 (Revised) Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Production Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Master of Science in Mathematics, Fall 2023 TENDER INVITATION Notification (Shab-e-Barat) Notification (Distressed Students' Welfare Fund) Tuition Award - HFTA (Revised) AUST held inauguration ceremony for its new bus service for students Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fall 2023 Tuition Award - FFTA & HFTA (Revised) Payment Notice for MBA/ EMBA Program Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2023 এইচএমপিভি বা হিউম্যান মেটানিউমো ভাইরাস বিষয়ে সতর্কতা Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering, Spring 2023 Request for EOI for Fixed Asset Management Software (FAMS) Payment of Semester Fees, and Re-admission, Spring -2024 Notification (regarding refund of caution money) Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2023 AUST PARTICIPATES IN THE LAUNCH OF DS2S NETWORK IN BANGALORE AUST Researchers Presented at ISF2024 in Kyoto, Japan

Freshers Orientation

Date: 2015-12-05

Orientation and reception ceremony Fall 2015

Reception and Orientation Program for the newly admitted students of AUST for Fall -2015 Semester was held in the Prof. Dr.  M.H. Khan Auditorium of the university at 9: 00 A.M. on 19 November 2015. Prof. Dr.M. H. Khan, Advisor & Founder Vice-Chancellor, AUST was present as the chief guest while Prof. Dr. Kazi Shariful Alam, Treasurer, AUST was present as the special guest on that occasion. There were two sessions in the programme and the whole sessions were presided over by Prof. Dr. A.M.M. Safiullah,

Vice-Chancellor of the university. The first session was with the newly admitted students of the Department of Architecture, School of Businees and CSE and the second sessions started with the students of the Department of EEE, Textile and MPE. Prof. Dr. M. A. Muktadir, Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Prof. Dr. A.F.M. Anwarul Haque, Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Amanullah, Dean, Faculty of Business and Social Science,

Dr. Mohammed Rubaiyat Chowdhury, Proctor (in charge), Prof. Dr. S.K. Biswas, Advisor, Students Welfare, Dr. Md. Ismail Chowdhury, Controller of Examinations (in charge) and Mr. Muhammad Abdul Gafur, Registrar, AUST were also present on the dais. All new students, teachers, officers and employees of the university were present in that programme.

The programme began with the recitation from the Holy Quran by Mr. Md. Zakaria Rahimi, Assistant Professor of the Department of EEE.

Mr. Muhammad Abdul Gafur, Registrar, AUST gave some directions to the students about semester fees payment, re-admission, checking the list of promotion etc. in his speech.  Dr. Md. Ismail Chowdhury, Controller of Examinations (in charge) outlined evaluation procedure performed by the Controlling office. Dr. Mohammed Rubaiyat Chowdhury, Proctor (in charge) drew the attention of the newly admitted students briefing the punishment for those who involve with any unfair deeds. He also suggested them to be careful and aware of these and he further added that there is a proctorial team in the university who are always ready to help the newly admitted students when needed.

Prof. Dr.M. H. Khan, Advisor & Founder Vice-Chancellor, AUST advised the newcomers to study well from the very beginning of the semester as time is valuable and it should not be wasted for any cause.

Prof. Dr. A.M.M. Safiullah, Vice-Chancellor, AUST said that with the continuous increase of population in the whole world people will face a great challenge in future especially in the job market. Students now a days have to think differently. Besides textual education they have to think critically and should enhance their creative capability so that they are ready to keep pace with the future world where the world will be more globalized and when people of different countries will compete with each other to get a good job around the world, not in Bangladesh only. This globalization has already been started and so the students should prepare themselves accordingly from now on.

Prof. Dr. Kazi Shariful Alam, Treasurer, AUST advised the students to be more careful from the beginning of this semester. He said that they should utilize their time properly and make good use of it as the crucial moment has come for the newcomers to build their better future. He also suggested the students to be always in touch with the teachers so that they get proper education and salvation of any difficulties they face with their studies. He also said that besides studies, students should have to abide by the rules and regulation as rules are strictly followed here and no compromise will be there to maintain and run the university properly. Reputation of our university will be preserved at any cost. He also delivered a brief life sketch of Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah to the newcomers.

Few newly admitted students expressed their happy feelings for getting chance of admission in AUST.

The sessions were ended with the spontaneous participation of the newly admitted students and they were very much inspired by the valuable speech made by the speakers. Even guardians of the students were there with them in the Auditorium.