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Undergraduate Admission Fall 2024 is going on The B.Arch Program offered by Deaprtment of Architcture, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology(AUST) has granted non conditional accreditation status for five years by Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB). Academic Calendar - Spring 2024 (Revised) Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Production Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Master of Science in Mathematics, Fall 2023 TENDER INVITATION Notification (Shab-e-Barat) Notification (Distressed Students' Welfare Fund) Tuition Award - HFTA (Revised) AUST held inauguration ceremony for its new bus service for students Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fall 2023 Tuition Award - FFTA & HFTA (Revised) Payment Notice for MBA/ EMBA Program Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2023 এইচএমপিভি বা হিউম্যান মেটানিউমো ভাইরাস বিষয়ে সতর্কতা Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering, Spring 2023 Request for EOI for Fixed Asset Management Software (FAMS) Payment of Semester Fees, and Re-admission, Spring -2024 Notification (regarding refund of caution money) Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2023 AUST PARTICIPATES IN THE LAUNCH OF DS2S NETWORK IN BANGALORE AUST Researchers Presented at ISF2024 in Kyoto, Japan

Freshers Orientation

Date: 2008-04-19

Orientation and reception ceremony Spring 2008

The AUST starts new journey from its newly constructed own Building

Students of the Textile Technology Department are celebrating the enjoyable moment

All students including freshers were accorded reception at Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology on Saturday morning on its newly constructed own Campus at 141-142 Love Road, Tejgaon I/A in the City.

Prof. Dr. M. Anwar Hossain, Vice-Chancellor, AUST delivering speech

AUST Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. M. Anwar Hossain in his speech said that first step of the students to the newly built AUST Campus is undoubtedly memorable and this would be meaningful if they could serve the nation and the country being well educated getting quality education in this modern environment.

Prof. Dr. M. Anwar Hossain, Vice-Chancellor, AUST delivering speech

He added that overall development of a University is a continuous process. AUST has the action plan to open and introduce new departments and M.Phill & M.S course in near future. To fulfill this pious desire people of all concerned should play the responsible and effective role. Through the cooperation of the Teachers, Officers, Students and Guardians AUST would march towards a Centre of Excellence of international standard.

Guardians of the students

The University was opened from 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. for the parents and Guardians of all students so that they could visit the new campus where the modern facilities have been developed.  

Prof. Dr. Kazi Sariful Alam, Treasurer, Prof. Dr. M.A. Muktadir, Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Prof. Dr. S.M. Kabir, Dean, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. A. M. Shadullah, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Heads of the Departments, Registrar, University Engineer were also present on the occasion.