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Notification (regarding refund of caution money) Notification (Shab-e-Meraj) Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2023 এইচএমপিভি বা হিউম্যান মেটানিউমো ভাইরাস বিষয়ে সতর্কতা Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering, Spring 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Fall 2023 Request for EOI for Fixed Asset Management Software (FAMS) AUST PARTICIPATES IN THE LAUNCH OF DS2S NETWORK IN BANGALORE AUST Researchers Presented at ISF2024 in Kyoto, Japan AUST Faculty Member Joins Editorial Board of Prestigious International Journal Alumni Election of the Department of Civil Engineering, AUST (2025-2026) Tuition Award - FFTA & HFTA Advertisement for Research Assistant (RA) – Free Space Optical Communication System Project Notification regarding application for semester grade sheet of Fall 2023 Gradutate Notification: Bachelor of Architecture, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Business Administration, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Production Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2023


Date: 2023-04-09

Best Paper award received at the International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering, 2023

Faculty members of the Computer Science and Engineering Department Tanveer Ahmed Belal and G. M. Shahariar have received the "Best Paper Award" in the Human-Computer Interaction and Natural Language Processing category at the International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE 2023). Their research paper, "Interpretable Multi Labeled Bengali Toxic Comments Classification using Deep Learning," was supervised by Dr. Md. Hasanul Kabir, a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Islamic University of Technology (IUT). The conference took place from February 23 to 25, 2023.

The primary objective of the research paper is to classify Bengali content as toxic or non-toxic, and further classify the type of toxicity in the comment. This accomplishment emphasizes the expertise of the faculty members of Ahsanullah University and their dedication to pioneering research in the realm of computer science. Additionally, it highlights the significance of cooperation and coordination among diverse institutions and specialists to enhance knowledge and technology.