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Department of

Textile Engineering

Date: 2022-09-19

A senior consultant from dss+ visited AUST

Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) has been in talks with dss+, a leading provider of operations management consulting services, to sign contract with International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and World Food Programme (WFP) to work on a project titled "Design and prototyping of alternatives to Polypropylene bags". In this regard, Mr. Benjamin Herbreteau, Senior Consultant, dss+ visited AUST from 28th of August to 30th August, 2022.

He met the University authority, and the research team members and also visited the facilities on offer at AUST in this pursue. The research team proposed by AUST includes Dr. Mohammad Tajul Islam (Associate Professor), and Md. Arif Mahmud (Assistant Professor) from the Textile Engineering Department of AUST while Prof. Dr. Lal Mohan Baral (Head of Textile Engineering Department, AUST) is acting as the coordinator of the project from AUST.