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Department of

Textile Engineering


Textile and clothing industry is the single source of growth in Bangladesh's rapidly developing economy. Exports of textile and garments are the principal source of foreign exchange earnings. In the financial year 2016-2017, the RMG sector generated USD 28.14 billion which was 80.7% of the total earnings in exports and 12.36% of GDP. It is anticipated that garment export will be doubled in the coming 10 years. Currently, textile industry accounts for 45% of all industrial employment in the country.

The Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) was the first private university in Bangladesh to introduce B.Sc. in Textile Technology course in 1998.The program aimed at turning out textile specialists and serving mainly textile industry. In fall 2011 semester, University Grants Commission (UGC) approved naming our bachelor degree as B.Sc. in Textile Engineering. This program is already accredited by the Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE) of The Institution of Engineers (IEB), Bangladesh. At present, the department has around one thousand students. More than 2500 students of 32 batches have already graduated from this department; and the graduates are performing with reputation in many textile and apparel industries, commercial organizations such as bank, buying houses, sourcing, testing and certification companies as well as in different universities as faculty members. A notable number of our graduates are also enrolled in reputed foreign universities for post-graduate study and research. Some graduate have already obtained master's and PhD degrees from different recognized universities.

From the very beginning of establishment, we have been putting our best efforts to enrich the Department of Textile Engineering of AUST with modern laboratory facilities. Over the years, we have set up yarn manufacturing (spinning), fabric manufacturing (weaving and knitting), wet processing (dyeing, printing, and finishing), apparel manufacturing, textile testing, and computer laboratories. At the same time, we maintain close and collaborative relationships with the textile and apparel industries and various research institutes for executing our academic programs and providing practical education to the students. Seminars and mill visits are organized on regular basis to update the students and the faculty members with the latest technological developments. Towards the end of 4-year degree course, we arrange for our students an 8-week-long industrial training to bridge the gap between academia and the industry. This helps the students develop skills and competencies they require to be ready for industry.

At present the department has 29 full-time faculty members; a handsome number of whom have excellent industrial experience with postgraduate degrees from different reputed Asian and European universities. Besides, many distinguished faculty members from country's top public universities and experts from reputed textile industries and research institutes are teaching regularly as invited lecturers. Very recently a project submitted by the department, titled "Introducing Sustainability to the textile engineering curriculum in Bangladesh" has been officially selected for funding under the window of collaboration between AUST (Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology) and TUD (Technical University of Dresden) by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) authority.