Project Name: Development of an Intelligent Controller for Battery Energy Storage System for Electric Vehicles (EV)

Project ID: ARP/2021/EEE/01/01

Funding Source: AUST Internal Research Grant

Project Awarded: 2nd January 2022

Principal Investigator:

Dr. A. K. M. Baki

Professor, EEE Department, AUST

Co-principal Investigator/s:

Mohammad Ashifur Rahman

Assistant Professor, EEE Department, AUST

Project Duration: 1 year

Budget approved: 3,00,000/-

Expected Research Outcomes:

A dynamic and improved control algorithm for switching the battery cells is planned in the research proposal. At the end of the project, it is expected that this algorithm will enable the cells to perform better than the fixed battery cells.

A batter pack with switches, controllers and sensors will be prepared for the demonstration purpose. It is also expected that in an electric vehicle this pack will be applied to show the better performance.

A business case and patent plan is expected to be developed focusing on how to apply the battery system in electric vehicles.