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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Date: 2023-04-09

Webinar on “Data Science Jobs: Let's Build Our Career” organized by IEOM Society AUST Student Chapter

A webinar on “Data Science Jobs: Let's Build Our Career” was held on April 08, 2023 on Zoom platform.

Data Science is the key tool to survive and keep oneself ahead of others in this data driven society”. So, by keeping that in mind the IEOM Society AUST Student Chapter organized the webinar. For the following webinar, 3 (three) guest speakers were present. Firstly, Mr. Nazmus Sakib who is a data analyst and a professional mentor. Secondly, Mr. Ashfaqur Protick, who has expertise in visual analytics, data warehousing, machine learning and deep learning and finally, Mr. Nazmul Islam Mahin who is a business intelligence analyst. It was an interactive session with the speakers where they shared their insight on “Data Science” & “Data Jobs” in the broader aspect.

Data science is a field that involves extracting insights and knowledge from data using various techniques such as statistical analysis, machine learning and data visualisation tools which were covered by the speakers. Besides, data jobs such as data analyst, data scientist, BIA, data engineer, machine learning engineer etc. were discussed upon. The speaker further added that these jobs require a combination of technical skills, such as proficiency in programming languages and statistical analysis tools. They gave out insights, their knowledge and experience to depict a proper picture of the industry. Besides, each speaker answered many important questions from the audience which provided clarification for many common misconceptions and confusions regarding this sector.

Besides the appearances of the respected faculty members of MPE, AUST valued the webinar highly. The organisers are especially thankful to Mr. Md. Adib Rahman, Faculty Advisor, IEOM Society AUST Student Chapter for his enormous contribution. The webinar ended with the goal that was set to let everyone on how to start guiding oneself through the world of data science and to build their career on this track.