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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Date: 2023-04-09

Industrial Attachment at BITAC

From April 02 to 06, 2023, a group of 14 (fourteen) students of Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE) program from 4th year, 1st semester attended an industrial attachment at Bangladesh Industrial Technical Assistance Center (BITAC). In this 5-day long attachment, they got the opportunity to visit the Tools & Technology Institute (TTI), Industrial Engineering Division (IED), Production Control Division (PCD), CNC, foundry, heat treatment, machine shop, inspection, testing etc. sections of the BITAC. Here they were able to interact with the supervisors and employees of these sections to learn about the ins and outs of this training center and about their daily operations. BITAC is famously known for providing assistance to various industries and helping undergraduate students and researchers in their research work. During this attachment, the students came across various machining and metallurgy processes like- heat treatment, mold creation in the foundry section, CNC machining, 3D printing, chip recycling, lathe, milling, and grinding operation etc. They also got to see the different kinds of machine tools like jig boring machine, lathe center, belt pulley planner, vertical milling machine, EDM, CMM, cutting tool manufacturing machine and other types of machines in person. The students were fascinated to learn about the operational processes and code generation of the CNC machines notably. Getting exposed to such state-of-the-art machinery and the processes, will help the graduating students to get familiar with the advancements of the manufacturing and tool technology and will provide them a set of valuable insights into such technologies. Industrial exposures like this are certainly beneficial for any engineering student to relate their theoretical knowledge in a real-life setting.