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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Date: 2022-08-30

Career Pathway held at the VC Seminar Room of AUST

On 30th August, 2022, a career pathway was held at the VC seminar room of AUST. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fazli Ilahi, Vice Chancellor, AUST, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mahbubur Rahman, Pro-Vice Chancellor, AUST, Prof. Dr. Mustafizur Rahman, Treasurer and Prof. Dr. Mohammad Sarwar Morshed, Head of the Department of MPE were the guests of the session. The session’s speakers came from several prestigious companies in Bangladesh and are leaders in their respective fields. They shared their valuable and effective thought regarding career development which was quite helpful for the students of IPE. The speakers of the session were Mohammad Mamun Chowdhury, CSCMTM, CMILT (Head of the Supply Chain, Rahimafrooz), Mohammad Al Kashem (Managing Director, Coats Bangladesh Ltd.), Ashibul Hussain (Area Manager- CMP, Berger Paints Bangladesh Ltd.), Engr. Rtn. Saumitra Mutsuddi (Head of Corporate Affairs and Head of Dhaka Corporate Office, BSRM Group and Companies). At the end of the session, the guests handed over the prize to the winners of the competitions.

Honorable speakers along with the faculty members and students of IPE, AUST