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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Date: 2024-02-22

Students from level 3, term 1 developed “Rapid Bag Filling Machine with Bucket Conveyor Technology” as a project in the Product Design and Development Sessional

The need for a “Rapid Bag Filling Machine with Bucket Conveyor Technology” arises from the desire to increase efficiency and productivity in commercial agriculture and several specialized businesses for packing. There are many places like storage, factories, mining places, and river construction sites that needs to fill up bags in a short time. Raw materials like paddy, wheat, and corn will be used for packing. For the riverbank construction site for filling Geo bags with sand this technology can be used. It contains bucket conveyor inside the body. One revolution will happen in just a few seconds. The machine can fill the bag more times than worker in a short time. Electricity will be used to run this machine. This product will save time and can reduce the number of laborer. The product is on waiting list from BCC (Bangladesh Computer Council).

Level 3, Term 1 students with “Rapid Bag Filling Machine with Bucket Conveyor Technology”